
Here you can find some information about Jews, their history and language. After you look these links you need answer the questions to check your knowledge.

1) Jewish humour
 - What particular features of jewish humour can you name?
 - What a dual feature does the jewish humour have?
 - What specific topics touches the jewish humour?
 - Do you know any jewish joke?
 - Were all jewish jokes created by Jews?

2) Jewish food
 - What classic dishes of jewish cuisine can you name?
 - Have you see such dish like a hummus in stores or cafes? Sure, you liked it. Try to cook it by yourself!:)
 - What is jewish holiday bread?
 - What kinds of kugel have you known?
- What dish is a Jewish shtick?

3) Jewish holidays
 - Tell about some the main holidays
 - What is "challah"? Tell abour the history of Rosh Hashanah.
 - What festival Jews celebrate in honour of the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem after its defilement by the Syrian Greeks in 164 BCE?
 - What reasons of jewish fasting days?
 - For what aim do the 10 days of Repentance need?

  - give some different variants of writing the sound "а" in Hebrew
  - read these words 
- learn reading of the diphthongs
- listen the pronunciation of words with sound "о"
- watch and remember all the signs of hebrew vowels once more 

5) Learn some popular jewish proverbs:)

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